Thursday, February 26, 2009

TL Feb 26, 2009 (Lost to Nick in the 100m)

Woke up today 154-155 lbs, 10.7% BF

Tested 100m and ran 11.9 and 12.2. I am surprised by Nick's 100m speed. He has considerably gotten faster, and has beaten me by a tenth of a second both times. It is obvious that my starts are decent. Therefore, the real issue is speed and speed endurance (especially the latter). I think I am in the maturity of my life in which progress comes much slower than before. I really think a concentrated loading approach will work more optimally than not using one. I also think I should get more SLEEP and rejuvenation. Coach Mason says my issue is still knee lift.

To recap:
Use concentrated loading
Get more sleep (Better time-management)
Focus on developing Speed Endurance
Develop the Hip Flexors

Perhaps Nick's height naturally contributes to his high max v?

Perhaps focus on building strength potential through Repetitive Effort.

For next season: GPP (Repetitive Effort) -> Max Strength Block -> SPP (Accel, Test, Low Volume)-> Concentrated Jumps Block -> Highly Concentrated Barbell Jumps Block --> Depth Jumps -> Repetitive Effort (Rinse, Repeat).

Perhaps buy the Breather?
Utilize the concepts of Mike Young (DVD)

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