Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Supertraining (Respose to Mark Powell)

Hey Mark,
Thanks for the quick reply. I am really a 100m sprinter, and the most important goal for me that I have set is to run 11.5 (I am currently running 11.7-11.8s). The 400 isn't really that important to me. I just wanna try it for kicks.
I do have CFTS, and I understand that in this time of the year, Charlie puts much focus on SPP, and namely the SE part. I understand that he divides the training year into three phases (besides the GPP). As I understand (correct me if I'm wrong), his year is something like gpp -> strength block -> acceleration -->strength block --> max v --> strength block --> speed endurance. The main goal is to run faster, and the strength gains are just secondary goals. He alternates High intensity CNS days and low intensity CNS tempo days over the week. Over the whole mesocycle, volume is a function of the intensity of load, and they are inversely proportional. As time progresses, more volume is distributed to high intensity sprints, while less volume is given to GPP. Did I miss anything?
Good point about Michael Johnson. I haven't thought about him :)
As for the sprint endurance sessions, I did not think about them because my coach gets me to run 100m - 400m fast sprints over track season. I think my coach has that part handled.
I thought that using general means would still translate to better sprint times because I do not consider myself a high-level athlete--as my current times project, and therefore, I could still benefit from general means of training. And I think the drastic decrease of volume will enhance my max velocity and general explosive strength endurance, as the body supercompensates.
I think increasing the sprint volume and then decreasing it for the taper (instead of using the concentrated block I proposed with jumps --> power cleans and barbell jumps --> depth jumps) might bring progress, but I don't think it'll have a strong long term delayed training effect (LDTE) as what I have proposed. I think so because I have been sprinting hard for about six months (using some concepts from Charlie Francis) and have not found significant increase in time. In other words, i think I have used the training potential of the sprints themselves, and so I am looking for a bigger disturbance of my body's homeostasis (ie. through a generalized concentrated block).
What do you think?

Thanks again!
Edderic Ugaddan
Carpinteria, CA

--- On Wed, 2/25/09, Mark Powell wrote:

From: Mark Powell
Subject: Re: [Supertraining] Conjugate Sequence System for Track Athletes
Date: Wednesday, February 25, 2009, 2:30 PM

I'm trying to understand why you would substitute all this weight room work for lacing up the shoes and getting on the track. Certainly these exercises will build your GPP, but I think you are failing to work on SPP, in this case, running at high speed(95-100% ) for speed building and longer runs for speed endurance. You'll fall short of your goals if you don't work on the one sport specific modality for you, which is running! I like your workout schedule as a fall base training, but not for this time of the year.

Here's a link to a nice Clyde Hart article- for 400M training, he is the expert.
http://www.nacactfc Hart-eng. htm

And I would suggest reading Speed Trap, Charlie Francis Training System and get on CharlieFrancis. com forums for training theory information.

Who told you that you're not lifting your knees high enough? And do you think that anyone ever told Michael Johnson that he needed to lift his knees higher? There has been major discussion on this forum in regards to changing an individuals basic running mechanics.

Good luck!!

Mark Powell
Syracuse, NY USA

--- On Wed, 2/25/09, Edderic Ugaddan wrote:

From: Edderic Ugaddan
Subject: [Supertraining] Conjugate Sequence System for Track Athletes
To: Supertraining@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Wednesday, February 25, 2009, 12:24 PM

Hey Everyone,
I have a question to those who have experience on using Verkhoshansky' s Conjugate Sequence System. Yesterday, I skimmed Dr. Siff's Supertraining to find out how to best organize my periodization for the 100m (I am planning to destroy the 400m record at my school this year, too) I am planning to use the CSS and concentrated loading for myself.
So here is the gyst of my plan:

I have six weeks and three days until the day I want to peak (Santa Barbara County Championship) . The sequence of what I want to use is :

-->Jumps (as outlined in Dr. Yessis's Explosive Running) (3 weeks ... Peak Volume at 1.5 weeks)
--> Explosive Barbell Exercises (Power Cleans, Jump Squats, Concentrated [Tremendously High] Volume, Light Load) (3 weeks...Peak Volume at 1.5 weeks)
--> Depth Jumps (Low Volume, High Intensity) (3 weeks...Peak Volume at 1.5 weeks)

I figured that using the concentrated volume of explosive barbell exercises will develop explosive strength endurance, which will transfer to the 100m and 400m nicely, even though the exercises that will be used for the concentrated volume are not as specific to sprinting as using the sprints themselves.

All throughout the six weeks, I will be doing some strength maintenance work. 4x2 for Squats and Deadlifts, about 80-85% Load).

Special attention to Hip Flexion will be given for the first three weeks, as it seems that my knees do not rise high enough. This might be due to excessive squatting and deadlifting (in relation to training the hip flexors).

Throughout the concentrated volume, I will only run for the sake of maintaining, or improving, technique work. I will not be doing full intensity sprints. I will run with about 85% effort.

I will be doing twice-a-day training sessions to further maintain recovery capacity.


Edderic Ugaddan
Carpinteria, CA

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