Friday, February 27, 2009

EliteTrack Posts on Olympic Lifting/RFD Stuff

I'll use a variety of jump squats with various loading setups, depths, and starting and / or landing and takeoff instructions. I'll also use various lunge and step-up exercises using the same parameters. I'll also use multi-throws and some good morning variants I picked up from some Olympic lifting training hall videos.
Moving the bar as fast as possible should always be the goal in olympic and core lifts.

It recruits more motor units and stimulates the CNS

Slow Eccentrics for Core lifts, Preceding Max Strength Phase?

I'd lower the reps and weights. I try to keep reps under 10 (usually 6-8) for speed lifting and the weights under 65% of 1RM.

If speed happens to slow dramatically at the end of the set, consider lowering the reps and / or the intensity so that the whole set can be performed fast.

For now, it might just be best to use weights in the 50-65% range and watch bar speed. When it starts to slow down, you just tell them to stop. I hope that's not too simple an answer.

you know those little skinny guys that are freshmen in college and have never picked up a weight before. they need to work out at 8-12 reps to gain some muscle mass that will have a positive affect on their weight/strengthg ratio later on. but i agree for the athlete that has been lifting for years and developed there body they should only focus on functional hypertrophy which would be done by dong under 6 reps of olympic lifts and core exersises such as bench, squat, and shoulder press.

ou still use the basic guidelines for hypertrophy training, 60%-80% for 8-12 reps. Take your goal volume, say 8 reps, and use the same intensity that you would normally use, 80%. Now double your volume, that makes 16 reps at 80%. Instead of doing 2 sets of 8 with 80% you divide the number of total reps by 4 and get 4 sets of 4 with 80%. Note your still doing 16 reps with 80%. The reason for making the reps lower is because about the first 4 reps with that percentage can be done with perfect form, after that form deteriorates. Also you don't lose as much bar speed because fatigue does not set in until the later reps. Now as far as rest periods go you only take about 15 seconds between sets

doing 4 reps at a time your bar speed will remain more constant.

This method can be used as a regular hypertrophy phase. So if you are following Western periodisation this phase would be followed by Max Strength. The athletes I train use this phase right after GPP. And it works well wether your goal is more endurance or power becuase it carries over well into either.

Regarding your peiodized setup I would do the following:
2-3 weeks GPP (anatomical adaptation)
4-7 weeks hypertrophy (depending on lifting experience and hypertrophy need)
That leaves about 14 weeks to divide up between max strength and power phases. For most athletes you can divide that up evenly (about 7weeks for each). However if you need to focus on one or the other you can add a couple of weeks on to one phase and take from another.
When your season begins I always just try to maintain what the athlete has gained up to that point. I believe it is to stressful on the body, and the coach, to try and peak both on the track and in the weightroom.
Hope I answered your question, if not tell me and I'll try to help out.

I was actually referring to the "general setup" that I mentioned in my previous post. While it is similar to the one Matt mentioned it differs slightly. In this setup, I keep % relatively high (85+%), sets high (7-10), reps low (1-4), and rest moderate (1-2 minutes).....sorry I didn't clarify.

Max strength differs from power phase by the intensity used. For max strength typically 90% to greater than 100% is used, while in the power phase 50%-70% is used. Also the goal of the max strength phase is to raise your 1 rep max so you want to use as much wieght as possible for normally 1-3 reps. The goal of the power phase is to increase speed, so you focus on moving the bar as fast as possible.

Hypertrophy is optimally developed all the way up to 85% and max strength can be developed at 85+%. Keep in mind that there can be much crossing over between all of these parameters. For example, hypertrophy can occur above and below the stated optimal % ranges, especially for those new to weight training. At the 92+% range however, strength gains will be mostly neural in nature and hypertrophy will be minimal.

Pavel: I shall sum up the energetic theory of muscle hypertrophy without using any big words: If you get a pump with heavy weights you shall grow. You need the volume to really deplete the muscle, but you need the tension to increase the amino acid uptake. Now if you lift really heavy like a powerlifter and rest for five minutes in between sets, you have the tension but don�??t have enough fatigue. If you start using the little color coded dumbbells and do a hundred reps, you have the fatigue and the pump, but not the tension. You may build some "virtual" muscles, but nothing else.
But if you set it up like this, if you use a heavy weight and do reps of five (not taken to failure) with only one or two minutes of rest for up to twenty sets, you�??re going to be able to use a heavy weight and get a great pump. Every bodybuilder who�??s tried this approach has reported sensational gains.

Originally posted by DaGovernor
So then you're saying it goes like this mike?
50%-70%- Power
70%-85% - Hypertrophy
85%-100% - Max. Strength
Is that about right?
Looks about right to me. Lower level athletes can develop max strength at %s as low as 80%.

I've found doing a couple sets (2-3) of singles and doubles at 85+% work great for maintaining strength during peaking. They provide enough stimulus to maintain all the previously developed strength and are low volume enough to easily allow adequate recovery and not to disturb the event training.

I have my guys lift pretty heavy throughout the indoor season. Actually, by most standards they are lifting heavy throughout most of the outdoor season.

Wanted to bring this thread back from the dead. 2 of my emerging elites have put on 6+ lbs over the last 6 weeks. Both expressed concern but I assured them that it was nothing to worry about at this time of the year and that things would drop considerably once we stop doing the moderate load moderate rep range weight room work (ie- 6 x 6 or 4 x 8), dropping some of the weight circuit activity, and most importantly adding speed and / or special endurance work.

Nick Newman - 24 September 2008 12:47 PM
well for me, training wise, im sure it because of the aux lifts we do, db press, incline, rows etc…becasue my upper back has def got thicker, and a couple of shirts (that we small anyway) cant button up anymore because my chest has got bigger too!....still, as long as i look nothing like Harry Aikines-Aryeetey ill be fine.
Don’t think you’ll have to worry about that. The aux lifts will drop in rep ranges and the bodybuilding volumes will drop which when combined with getting off creatine and adding longer speed work should equal pretty significant weight loss while still maintaining or improving strength levels.

Cleans from the floor target the posterior chain muscles much more (hamstrings, glutes, etc.) because of the first pull. They also develop starting strength (the strength needed to overcome the inertia of a static object) to an extent that hang cleans cannot.

DLs and Hang cleans would work together in combination but as Matt said, the first pull of a clean or snatch is much different than that of a DL. If time efficiency was important, you could just do cleans from the floor and drop the DLs, that way you'd get all the above stated benefits (starting strength, posterior chain development, explosive pull) with just one exercise. You would of course need to use a slightly lower weight during the pull from the ground on a clean as opposed to a DL.

I also tend to think squats could potentially be replaced in a program (though I'd never do it for anything but extreme circumstances). I think heavy step-ups, single leg squats, and a combination of front squats and pulls could be used to replace them quite effectively. In fact, Lars Reidel (possibly the best discus thrower of all time) doesn't squat anymore because of back problems and it hasn't effected his throwing at all.

Quick lifts are the OLs and all their variants as well as things like jumps squats.
Originally posted by DaGovernor
Monday/Friday - Bench, Hang Cleans, Deadlifts, Squat Jumps
Tuesday/Thursday - Toe Raises, Curls, Triceps Ext., Front Shoulder Raises, Eagles, Lat. Pull Downs, Chin Ups, Lunges, Lateral Lunges, Step Ups
Wednesday - Glute-Ham Raise, High Pulls, Push Press
I'd do OLs first as matt suggested, then the leg exercise and then the upper body exercise. The latter two could be interchangable and you might like giving your legs a little break in between the OL and the leg exercise.
Keeping the basic same exercises, I'd change your Monday, Wednesday, and Friday's workout to this:
Monday/Friday -
1. Hang Clean
2. Deadlifts
3. Bench
4. Squat Jumps (optional)....I probably wouldn't recommend doing this unless you have a great training base and are an experienced lifter.
1. High Pulls
2. Push Press
3. Glute-Ham Raises
If I were to change more than just the order though, I'd recommend you add some squatting and perhaps make the glute-ham raises an assistance exercise to be done on Tuesday / Thursdays.
If you wanted to you could do single leg squats on Wednesday. If you chose to do that though, I think I'd still recommend substituting squat for deadlift on Monday or Friday. Single leg squats are great, especially for track athletes but they can't possibly load the legs maximally because balance is so much more of an issue. Also, the deadlifts, unless performed from a block or with a snatch grip won't really hit the posterior chain like a deep squat will.
As for the jump squats, I just tend to think that they wouldn't be what you'd want during GPP, and also, putting jump squats (or any explosive resistance exercise for that matter) after the core lifts is an advanced technique used for power / CNS development that could potentially bury (or at least not be beneficial to) a novice or intermediate athlete.

You'd be ok, but I think you'd still benefit from doing squats.
As for minimizing lifts, I've tinkered with the idea of having an athlete just do 6-8 sets of 2 reps of clean—> front squat—>push press during comp phase as this would take care of a pulling, squatting, and pressing movements all in one compound exercise. As always, general strength exercises would be used on recovery days to enhance hormonal profile and strengthen the smaller muscles and connective tissue.

Nice points but I do disagree on one of them. This is just me but I don't have a real problem with 8 weeks of max strength. In fact I personally think it would be far worse to have 6 weeks of hypertrophy training, especially if one didn't need to get bigger. In my opinion, the biggest gains typically come in the second meso of max strength lifting. Having said that, I'd match up the weights and track work like this:
GPP - 6 weeks
SPP - 8 weeks
Pre-Comp. - 8 weeks
6 weeks - Accumulation Weights
4 weeks - Hypertrophy (Density Training)
8 weeks - Max Strength
4 weeks - Power-Speed

Dave I agree that track is a speed and power sport but my rationale is that max strength will help to develop power because of the increased force output made possible by increasing max strength. Obviously, the key is to be able to "convert" the max strength into power.

I'm not where where you got the idea that I followed a Western periodization scheme but what I do is quite far from a typical Western linear periodization scheme. In fact, with my training setups all aspects of the speed-power-strength continuum are worked all year long. I've never really used a typical 'max strength' phase and in fact I frequently use very heavy lifts all year long. Likewise, I incorporate what you call 'dynamic' work all year long in some form or another.
To be honest I think the 'conjugate' training term has become misconstrued to the point that many people actually interpret anything other than WSBB's interpretation of conjugate training as linear periodization. This is especially true when looking at weight programs of sports where weight training is only one component of the training (like track). Take for example this typical example of a training set up for track which from a narrow interpretation of conjugated training could appear to be linear in nature:
GPP: acceleration work, low intensity plyos, higher volume medium intensity weights
SPP: acceleration work & MaxV, short jumps, and high intensity weights (~max strength)
Pre-Comp: MaxV & Speed Endurance, dynamic plyos, medium-high intensity weights
Comp: Speed Endurance, depth jumps, 'speed' weights
With a narrow view of conjugated training we'd just look at the weight program and see that it's following somewhat of a linear approach. Looking deeper however we'd see that all aspects of the strength-power-speed continuum are hit during the year with one or more training modalities with emphasis just shifting slightly. While this isn't necessarily the way I'd recommend setting up the program I think it's hardly a typical Western periodization because for example acceleration work develops speed early in the year while the static strength lifts (squats, presses, etc.) develop strength and the Olympic lifts along with plyos develop power.

That's one way to do it but when using OLs I prefer to do most of the manipulation with intensity (load), density, total volume, and set number while keeping the rep ranges fairly constant.
As a general guideline, the more advanced the athlete, the higher the % of 1RM needs to be to maintain strength levels. Elite athletes will need to be using somewhere in the neighborhood of 85+% on exercises to maintain previously developed strength. The frequency of these maintenance doses don't need to be incorporated too often (~1x every 7-10 days) to be effective.

You need to realize that some one will maintain max strength over time without constatnt training in the 90 to 100 percentiles. The simple effort in sprint repeats is of enough maximal recruitment and effort to be of benefit in maintaining.
Here I use 1RM testing every say 10-14 days to confirm strength levels, if there is more than a 5% decline, you can remediate. But keep in mind that a slight decline in max may be more than justified if the trade is for gains in RFD, etc.
If you create a sledgehammer, you can drive a spike in one stroke. It will be a slow lift to the one stroke though…
A 5 Lt. V8 is a big engine, but without the battery, sparkplugs, and wiring, what good is it other than to look at?
Conversely, dedicating 50% of your lifting to slower, closer to max lfiting is of questionable benefit at this stage of your season. If you had more time maybe.
Shawn (if he is coaching you) is pretty much on the mark here. You have what? 5 weeks left to ECAC's (last chance for a NCAA q?) In that time you are not going to make any major gains in max strength to the extent of helping you on Saturdays. Certainly not when measured against the potential for lowering your times that can, will? come from the work he has perscribed.
If you dont follow the logic, or havent asked him to explain, or he didnt explain very well, try this site: Presentation.htm
This presentation (in PowerPoint) will explain the relationship.
Mike, where do you come down on R. Newton's work here?
Cstate, I still say the best thing here is a sitdown with coach.

I just quickly looked at the presentation (I'm on a dreadfully slow dial-up connection right now and didn't have the patience to look through all of it ) but I agree with all that I saw as well as what you just mentioned. I think you can probably maintain somewhere in the neighborhood of 95% of max strength for about 2.5 weeks without doing ANY "maintenance" work. Also, it's convenient to know that almost all physical capacities can be maintained for extended periods of time (~3 months) with high intensity and lower volume bouts of maintenance work. This is convenient to know because it allows an athlete to maintain the qualities developed previously while focusing training on the development of capacities which are dependent on the previously developed capacities (as is the case with strength and power development).

Originally posted by QUIKAZHELL
i questioned my coach as i normally do. I said so you are trying to tell me that by not lifting ANY weights near 80% or higher i will maintain my strength because of the compensatory acceleration componet of the lifts we are doing? And that quality (the fast velocity) is pretty much negating the need for lifts above 80%. He said yes.
What he forgot to mention that i presumed and eventually got out of him was that this type of training can only maintain strength levels for 3-4 weeks.
I've done this in the past and have noticed that strength can be maintained quite effectively for short periods of time like this. The same holds true for replacing heavy weights with plyos. The period of maintenance however seems to be shorter than if you were to do maintenance doses with heavy weights once in a while. Also, following the method you mentioned creates problems should you want to come back to a max strength phase later on (i.e. in a season with multiple peaks) because you'll be incredibly sore from the lifting and it may take you a while (10-14 days) to get back to where you can train with the heavy weights necessary to get strong again without getting overly sore. This is the case even if you have maintained most of the previous strength levels through your speed lifting.
Originally posted by delldell
No, don't get it. I know what buffering is, but there's no reason as far as I can see to do a maintenance workout during a max strength phase. Just lift twice and do sprinting as Pete said on the other day. The point of maintenance is if you were doing a cycle focused on something other than max s.
I agree.

Originally posted by DaGovernor
So basically, the best method for a sprinter would be to start off with high reps/low intensity, then gradually move up to low reps/high intensity, correct?
Not really. I don't really think that high rep protocols have much of a place in a power athletes training…..even in GPP. There are better ways around this issue. Instead of doing 4 x 12 @ 50% why not something like 8 x 6 @ 65%. The volume would be the same, the intensity would actually be high enough to yield some strength gains and the the set-rep scheme would be better for safety and speed of movement (if you chose to emphasize this).

I think they'd probably progress just fine with lower intensities lower than 95 and most likely lower than even 90% max.
As for my previous recommendations, I think that the 50 and 60% intensities you had mentioned would be best for muscular endurance and wouldn't be the best way to develop muscular strength even in younger athletes. If you were to do as I prescribed and used equivalent volumes with higher loads I think the gains you'd see would be much better. Because the volume would still be high you'd reap some soft tissue benefits and the higher loads would permit more efficient training for strength. All you'd be doing would be keeping the total volume the same while manipulating the sets and reps in such a manner that would create a nice balance of strength gains and anatomical adaptation.

I think the setup you proposed above looks good and I think it would be quite effective on a 3 day a week cycle. As for very high intensities, I just think that in light of their training age and lack of strength they would make very nice gains at lower intensities without having to progress to very high intensities. I don't think it would hurt them in the short term to do high intensity stuff right now (nor do I think they'd get much extra benefit) but in the long term scheme of things you'll be taking away the opportunity to progress training intensities since you'd have already done it without seeing much additional benefit due to the fact that athletes such as yours will typically respond just the same or better to lower intensity work.

Originally posted by DaGovernor
Well how would I periodize the lifting (OL's, etc.), starting from summer on through the end of next outdoor season?
There is no way this question could be answered in one post…..this could be a book by itself. There are many variables here to look at with volume and intensity being the most basic and perhaps easiest to manipulate. In GENERAL, total volume should start high and get lower as the season progresses. The opposite is true for intensity. It's also important to try and match up what you're doing on the track with what you're doing in the weight room. Sorry for the near-worthless answer but if you give a more specific question I'll try and give a better answer.

Originally posted by DaGovernor
1st cycle - 8 x 6 @ 65%
2nd cycle - 6 x 6 @ 75%
3rd cycle - 4 x 5 @ 85%
4th cycle - 6 x 2 @ 95%
testing after the 4th cycle
I plan on using this cycle from now on. How much time should I spend on each cycle? Should I use the standard 3 weeks load, one week unload plan, or should I just go off of feel - meaning move on to next cycle when current cycle has become easy? Thoughts?
I typically use a 3 week on 1 week off cycle format but have used other varieties such as 2-1, and 4-1. Going on feel has its pluses but makes for difficult planning.
Also, if I am to start out with 65-70% with stuff like bench press and squats, what percentage do I start off with for OL's? Do I start these off at 65-70% as well, or do I consistantly keep them in the 80-90% range?
I would start the OLs slightly higher (+5% from other lifts) for several reasons:
*OLs are typically performed with less reps.
*Because they are used to develop power and RFD, a lower % of max isn't necessarily a bad thing as peak power outputs are typically seen in the neighborhood of 60-70% of max.

Originally posted by DaGovernor
1. I forgot what RFD is mike. What is it?
Rate of force development as Pete said.
2. And keeping the OL's in the 80-90% range is not good right?
Don't keep them their all the time. I use a range of 70-100% depending on what I'm trying to accomplish. Note however that this is for advanced athletes and more novice athletes may not need such high intensity levels to progress. One thing you should concentrate on though is speed of movement, especially on the second pull.
3. When running, the 3 on, 1 off program is 3 weeks with each of the 3 weeks getting progressively more difficult, then "unload" the 4th week.
I rarely increase the intensity or volume from week 1 to week 3 of a cycle, but otherwise what you said is right (for how I usually set it up).

Personally, I don’t believe 1RM heavy OLs are worth more than squats or DLs. Squats and Deadlifts require a great deal of initial force application. OL’s require the same type of force application, but greater coordination, and different extension parameters. The snatch in Olympic Lifting is closer to jumping, starting, and throwing than squats and deadlifts are. Between testing days of every macrocycle, the athletes who have shown the greatest improvements in power outputs and it’s maintainability have the better test scores and they show the greatest improvements in actual competition performances as well. I see better improvements in 5 hop, 5 bound, SLJ, STJ, and VJ scores that coincide with power development and not strength development. As for transferability, my kids do a lot of medball throws and almost all of their work is geared towards increasing power outputs and the ability to hold a power output for a certain period of time.

RFD is explosive strength…
the best way the develop this is with very high intensity cleans, snatches, power cleans/snatches, low volume, full rec OR submax load with maximal velocity quarter squats, cleans, snatches ect at 70%, low volume, full rec…depending on sports training for…
With the max intensity method, the bar is still moving slowly because of the high loads. Becuase of this, and with the aim being on explosive application of force, cleans, snatches ect are better than squats for developing RFD…
Due to limited arm strength in most people power, cleans, snatches etc are only benificial in developing RFD if the RFD of the legs is maximal and the bar is moved so fast that the catch is possible….
Basically something (load or speed) has to be maximal for the RFD to be developed. Squats just dont fit the bill nearly like OL’s do for this aim.

Olympic lifts are good because they provide an innate measure of both load and speed. If a clean is not fast enough, it’s not getting racked. If a heavy squat, speed squat, or jump squat isn’t fast enough…eh who cares (or who knows).

i dont think anyone said that sprinting wasnt the most important aspect of developing sprinting…
But RFD training with OL’s and other high intensity means develop an attribute which will be shown during the sprint…
You are a little off base with this conclusion, conjecture, or otherwise riveting opinion. If you train for strength and not rate at which work is done you will be left in the dust. You don’t have to increase strength to increase power, you only have to increase the rate at which work is done. In a lift, it’s the number of lifts per unit time, in a race it’s velocity, in a jumping event or throwing event it’s momentum of the implement/takeoff at release along with the trajectory of flight. Strength can help those numbers, but power is the deciding factor.
Let’s back up to the drop jump. If you are a coach whose well rounded in education you will know that a landing in the drop jump creates a reactive force which can aid jumping ability. You’d be able to further infer that the reactive force you create from a dropped height is controlled by elastic and eccentric capabilities of the human body, if it is too strong the contact time dissipates the energy/force return. Drop jumps train elastic and eccentric capabilities and not concentric capabilities. The 2 footed vertical jump is an SSC initiated muscular action, but it’s mostly dependent on the concentric abilities of that have been developed. In this sense, a combination of Snatch, Cleans, Deadlifts, Squats, OHB Medball throws, and 2 foot vertical jumps on a regular basis will fulfill the needs to increase the vertical jump. One can build strength by training for power, the strength increases are smaller, but their is little need for Western Style Periodization which is what you are suggesting correct?

yes i agree D…
The skinny guys who cant squat 225 or clean 185 but can jump 8m are not strong…but have incredible RFD…this can be developed without much increase in strength. Absolutley. I am also an example of this, this season. i am more powerful at the given strength that i am at now, than i have been at this strength level before. And this is because of all the power work we have been focussing on.

I totally disagree with the statement you just made…but in regards of RFD, if something has very powerful legs and a high RFD then that person has a higher chance of being good at speed and power sports. I don’t think you can argue against that.
For example, in the UK athletics national squad camps for the jumpers. One part of talent identification is a RFD test, which is performed using a fix bar in a squat position (knees bent 140 degrees) on a force plate. They evaluate the athletes RFD. Almost all the time, the athletes with the highest number, are or become the best long jumpers and are also the fastest in the group.

Delecluse (1995) found that concurrent heavy resistance and sprint training did not improve 100m sprint performance in average sprinters (100m in 12.4s) whereas concurrent plyometric (rfd related) training and concurrent sprint training improved 100m times by 0.2s with most improvement within the first 10m.
Blazevich (2002) who is now based at Brunel University alongside Nick Linthorne (the long jump researcher)-small world- tested highly trained sprinters that were almost elite (20m in 2.95-3.10s) with either a highish velocity/low resistance or low velocity/high resistance training program. All subjects were instructed to move as fast as possible and were also concurrently sprint and plyometric training. The high velocity group had a 4.3% improvement compared to the low velocity groups 2.9% improvement over 20m.
Yes, those with enough fast twitch fibre and sprint oriented nervous system will respond to resistance training but the more velocity specific group improved more. However, it must be realised that the high velocity group also reverted to lower velocity and heavier weights every fourth training session whereas the low velocity group only used higher velocity/lower weights for the first warm-up set. Therefore the high velocity group got the added benefit of stimulating as many fast fibres as possible during the heavier movements to complement the more rfd specific high velocity resistance training.
As for optimum power training at 30% 1RM, power is really only correlated to improvement at the start (according to me) and between 5-10m (according to me and Morin 2002). Therefore a reliance on optimal power training will not satisfy many other places in a 100m race.

There is little difference between using Olympic lifts and power or strength training. Faster movement shows to be more beneficial especially when combined with heavy more maximal training periodically. Olympic lifts could facilitate hip extension in combination with knee extension. I’m sure the squat could be modified to facilitate more contribution of hip extensors.

Yes practising the squat will benefit jumping much more than sprinting. However, training methods do have a small effect on sprint performance.
Plyometrics will reduce time over 10m by 0.03-0.04s approximately more than sprinting.
Plyometrics or velocity and movement specific strength training will reduce time over 10m by 0.06-0.08s more than traditional low movement velocity strength training.
However, it must be realised that current strength training methods (and perhaps plyometric methods) could be much more specific to sprinting. For example imagine doing a hang clean from a split squat stance or better still a split squat with one leg on a step hang clean. (Caution do not try this unless you are very conditioned and have excellent CORE STABILITY/Strength). Or even a jump squat or squat jump or unweighted squat jump in water (although the movement will still be too slow) from a split step position. Nick and Mike’s exercise idea would work well here.
Furthermore, imagine a more progressive plyometric program to take into account the contribution that connective tissue makes to the application of force. There is limited but improved plyometric methods that have been proven but not yet disclosed. I have no doubt that within 12 months much more movement and velocity specific training methods will be unveiled with good scientific evidence to remove the guesswork.

Without a doubt resistance training on its own will not help sprinting but any improvement in strength will benefit from sprint training as well. For example the squat can improve vertical jump by 4% but only help sprinting by 2% if velocity specific enough within the first 10m only. Is this gain worthwhile? Olympic lifts carry an increased chance of injury but are little better than fast squats and plyometrics within the first 10m. In fact, for those with poor hip extension strength/power (although not much is needed) OL may be the best choice. Granted all this is useless without concurrent sprint training. Are any of these methods better than a sprint program involving a combination of uphill and downhill sprinting? I would argue that it is unlikely. However I would also argue that there are improvements we can make to any of the above exercises instead of just accepting the status quo. My argument is based around the fact that less than 100kg of propulsive force is generated in total in a sprinting stride.
As for training the CNS with OL or resistance training, the two are not related. One is only training muscle fibre and connective tissue. OL muscle activation must come from the motor cortex. Plyometric training will more likely enhance the CNS (and the muscle recruitment thereof)as the spinal chord is known to be adaptable. Alternating limb plyometric activities and sprint training benefits the cross extension reflex activated muscle-connective tissue for sprinting.
Don’t worry about the argument getting personal - many great ideas have come so far from the debate. I think this is an excellent thread as most of us supplement our sprint training. I’m curious as to your training program and how much it has improved your sprinting as you are very adamant in your philosophy. (And I don’t think I’m disagreeing with you)
I now do lifts to strengthen my upper body, and I think it will be increased this next phase because I didn’t have the increase in max strength that he wanted. I have developed my skill in the disc, but the shot I had not and I was stand throwing what I full threw at WAC champs last year. But I will say by far cleans have been the most helpful lift for me track especially when it comes to jumps.

I am talking about long term improvements after stagnation. I am not talking about a temporary benefit, but people who had previously not been improving and have been improving significantly since. They are most definitely proficient in the lifts.

*Specificity is not just movement or muscle related. Specificity can be motor recruitment related, contractile speed, coordination related, metabolic, etc. It’s very easy to get too caught up in the external appearance of something and associate that with specificity and not examine these other factors.
*Specificity isn’t everything. In fact, I think it’s equally important to work AROUND (+/-) the point of interest because the transfer of training affect and additional variety will provide a beneficial training stimulus that cannot be had when you get overly specific.
*There actually is quite a bit of research on the benefits of OLs for sporting performance. I don’t have the time to cite them all right now but I made a shell topic on the new wiki regarding the benefits of Olympic lifting. If you have an argument or research paper in support of doing them please contribute to the wiki entry.
Sprinting is skill which contains 4 skills:
1. Initial block clearance (skill)
—- Starting power, starting strength, reaction (abilities)
2. Acceleration sprinting (skill)
—- power, strength within a dynamic framework (abilities)
3. Transition from Accel to Max Race velocity (skill)
—- elastic/reactive power & strength within a dynamic framework (abilities)
4. Maintenance of Max Race velocity (skill)
—- power endurance of elastic structures and anaerobic metabolic pathways
By the end of a training season instead of my athletes doing training sessions working on specific skills of the 4 listed they are working on the main skill. They don’t get slower, they get faster and typically beat their previous PR’s by mid or early competitive season.

Sure it takes years to develop an optimal competitive olympic lift but it doesn’t take long to develop a good, safe technique. I teach using a top-down progression and only use the power variants. It’s just that I have seen more horrifying(dangerous) deadlifts than horrifying olympic lifts from incoming athletes that have been “taught how to do them”.

You’re stuck in power lift thinking with this one and using a one factor model for ‘maximal.’ You can’t compare loads used in one exercise and say that because you can’t lift the same load in another exercise (even if it looks similar) that it’s not of maximal load. Are front squats sub maximal because you can’t lift as much as in a back squat? Remember, maximal can be maximal speed, maximal load, maximal force output, maximal power output, etc. Note that OLs easily beat out heavy deadlifts on all of those except load (remember load does not equal force or power). This thinking is really WAAAAAAY off base in my opinion. In fact, the peak force, RFD, and power output of all the OLs is several magnitudes greater than what we see in the power lifts.

Totally agreed on this one. I push around heavy loads this way too but am much more cautious than I am with similar %s in the OLs. For example, for my highly experienced athletes I’ll use supra-maximal loads for partial or or eccentric only lifts and having done them myself and gotten feedback from athletes I know that these are far more likely to cause an injury than OLs. Same thing with deadlifts. I cringe when I see some of the pictures from some of the Hall of Fame pics from BFS or Barry Ross’s site in the deadlift. I’m expecting to see a thoracic vertebrae explode out of their body.

Short term you would be correct about the heavy lifters pulling heavier loads faster, but not after 8-12 months. By that time the fast lifters with more power will be one who lift lighter loads, but at faster rates. The structural changes needed in the muscle for faster movements takes longer to adapt. The short-term gains in heavy lifting are neuromuscular adaptations which come along in 2-3 weeks for beginners. The problem is you believe heavy creates the adaptations you want, but in reality the changes you want take a variety of loading parameters on the bar with the fastest bar speed possible. Sticking to heavy squats or deadlifts will get you nowhere fast after 6-12 months. Strength gains without gains in mass will become almost impossible and power eventually suffers so over the course of a 4-5 year period a runner becomes slower just because of work in the weight room. Any athlete who trains with me and is new to weight room gets a heavy does of heavier and heavier lifting through 2 macrocycles, then its almost always ballastic, explosive, or partial lifts that are complexed with other lifts. The athletes still have an occasional macro of 2-3 microcycles of heavy lifting. Variety and specificity are the keys, I want more power so I focus on developing power and power needs to be displayed over a variety of spectrums (how fast, how long, how many, and how much).

Random note here. I had a 31” standing vertical PR in HS before I really started lifting(1998). It hit a 31” vertical last year with a 450lbs squat max and a 31.5” vertical last night with a 365lb squat max. The same can be said for my SLJ (~9’5” at the same 3 snapshots in time). If searching for heavier and heavier loads is so important, why have 85 to 200lb squat max swings had no effect on these jump tests? Why has my 55 gone from ~7.10 to 6.63 during this time? It seems that pushing heavier and heavier loads can help you….push heavier and heavier loads.

We are neither discussing Olympic lifters or Powerlifters as the typical athlete in this thread. The specifity of lifting to their particular competitive tasks require them to work specifically more to competition loads in the weight room. Even then powerlifters and Olympic Lifters have far greater ranges with which they work with than you give them credit for. However, powerlifters keep their power values relatively low compared to their absolute strength while Olympic lifters still have high strength and power numbers both relatively and absolutely. You take your basic powerlifter and they would have to weigh approx. 20 kilos more to generate the same power in an olympic lift. The bottom line is you can increase strength without increasing power and you can increase power without increasing strength but athletic performance relies on power output. If 2 powerlifters have the same strength, but the different max power outputs then the favored lifter would be the one with more power as he would have less fatigue in producing max values on all 3 competition lifts during a competition.

I don’t really think the stimulus is so redundant that it should be taken out of a program. Jumps and sprint work are indeed explosive and speed oriented but the difference is that they tend to overload the eccentric portion (up to 6-10x bodyweight on ground contact) of the movement more and OLs overload the concentric portion of the movement (pulling bodyweight + bar load).

One of the ways I use OLs during comp phase is as a strength maintenance tool. Because they involve so many muscle groups and because the emphasis can be shifted based on the load used they are my first choice of excercises to keep in a program as volumes (and exercises) in the weight room (and track) are dropped. For example, during comp phase, an athlete could substitute a normal weight workout with 6 x (2 cleans + 1 front squat + 1 jerk) and put in enough work on every muscle group to maintain the strength and power developed in earlier phases while keeping volume low to enhance system recovery.

There are no magic exercises for a specific event. Leg work is essential for sprint development. I’d suggest sticking to the basics: squat variations, lunges, pulling movements (especially the Olympic lifts) and pressing movements.

Ground contact time has a big deal to do with vertical, but the associated power generated in that contact time is biggest factor, so you must decrease contact time with an increase in force generated within that contact time. So all I can say is do cleans and snatchs along with deadlifts and squats, do some hopscotch and try to get quicker with the hopscotch pattern each time and hurdle hops for both speed and height/distance.
Sprinting can help reduce contact time, but force development and power are done with accel work mostly in "Sprint Training".

Vertical Jump is highly dependent on strength and low-end explosive power. Doing Olympic lifts and short jumps (things like standing long jump, standing vertical jump, standing triple jumps, etc.) would be your best bets for development.

danimal9 - 13 October 2005 07:59 AM
I really think you need to work on proprioception, coordination, and quickness/speed.
While I think these things are valuable I don't think training them will have too much of an impact on VJ performance. Given his weight room numbers I think you have a little bit of an explosive-strength deficit. I'd suggest putting the heavy lifting (especially the squatting) on maintenance mode and work on more reactive activities such as slightly lighter OLs and multi-jumps. Sprinting might help also if you keep the reps short.

Basically I'm just suggesting that you reduce the volumes and focus on heavy lifting and put more emphasis on more explosive exercises like plyometrics and sprinting. It doesn't need to be a wholesale shift but a gradual change would be beneficial.

The absolute load shouldn't matter THAT much….in my experience the % is a better indicator of intensity.
I would recommend not doing them on Thursday. While I typically wouldn't use them in-season, on the rare occassions when I have, I've always had better success doing them no later than 3 days before a meet (Mon-Wed).
I use them as a means of developing strength by switching up the stimuli. I also use it as a lead-in to supra-maximal fast-eccentric work which I've found useful for enhancing leg stiffness.
I'd personally never use them during a peaking phase…the negatives (soreness, low stimuli on both eccentric and concentric phase) don't outweigh the positives (increased time under tension, potential to increase strength via varied stimuli).

First, I personally am not a fan of partial ROM movements, especially when combined with very heavy weights. It works for some people, and that's fine for them, but I don't use them - but that's my opinion. It's a big world and everything works for someone, it's just not a tool that I like to use. So, I don't like 1/4 squats even though I know a lot of t&f coaches swear by them. Yes you can do a lot more weight, but I find that form breaks down during those 700 pound 1/4 squats and I've seen more back injuries from those than I care to think about.
Second, I don't like situations with supermaximal amounts of weight either - so eccentric squats with 150% of your maximum squat. Again, we all have good intensions but form breaks down too badly.
Third, in my opinion the weight room is a terrible place for sport specificity. The weight room is a great place to provide you with the physical foundation that you need for t&f, but you must then transfer it to the track. This means that you won't duplicate speed of movement, angles, etc. in the weight room and it's pointless to try (my opinion).
Typically with college t&f athletes, we have a general phase that runs into October. A specific phase that runs into December/January. Pre comp that runs January and into some of Feb (yes we're competing in indoors in Feb, but we're not peaking yet).
Now, this depends upon the level of athlete, but general phase focuses on fundamental exercises and strength/technique in those exercises. Lots of Olympic lift fundamentals (lifts from the hang), lifts off two feet (squats, RDL's, etc.), that sort of thing. Specific phase, for me, begins to peak strength and to apply it a little more to the event. Having said that, it's still a learning phase - which means we begin introducing things like eccentric/pause squats to the athlete. Those exercises aren't heavy yet (b/c the athlete is learning) and they aren't complexed with anything yet (b/c we're not peaking yet in terms of event performance).
I find that athletes have trouble transferring weight room strength to the track. Some of this requires a good t&f coach to help this occur, some of this is because athletes have trouble connecting the two mentally. So they may have a great back squat, but be unable to maintain their posture well on footstrike. I like eccentric/pause lifts as a way to help train this. But I don't like 100%+ lifts for reasons I just mentioned. I find that if these are done properly, they are extremely fatiguing (i.e. form breaks down) - which is not something you want to combine with too much weight.

I've only approached that one time and I really didn't like it. As with the partial ROM stuff I typically stay in the realm 105-115% for supramaximal work. At these loads I haven't noticed any technical detioration for eccentric work however all of these techniques are things I reserve for athletes with at least 3 years of serious training. In fact, research evidence suggests this is actually the strength capacity for eccentric force production. That is, what we are calling maximal is really a reference to an athlete's concentric maximal strength….there eccentric maximal force capabilities are actually up to 25% higher. As a result, I think it's perfectly safe to use loads that are considerably (though reasonably) above the concentric maximal load. In fact, because of the differential between concentric and eccentric maximal strength capabilities (with eccentric being so much stronger) I would actually think that using 60-65% of concentric maximal load wouldn't be sufficient to provide an adequate stimuli.Using a load that is 60-75% of concentric max for eccentric lift work would actually be somewhere in the neighborhood of using a load that is about 50% of eccentric maximal load.

I actually max out at least one lift every four weeks during the fall. I've never found it to be disruptive to training. We almost always do it in a rest / test week and it just takes the place of the day's lift that would have otherwise gone in that spot. If you don't want to test though I wouldn't do it. Everything has to be in the context of the whole workout plan. This is why I'd never farm out my strength training. Many strength coaches have problems seeing that it's the harmony between the weight room and track work that really makes things cook hot. When they are treated as independent variables you'll always run in to training and logistical problems….even if they are running a program that you give them.

00Scoots - 16 November 2006 07:12 AM
Mike, when you lift on the day of a home meet, what type of weight and vol do you use? I assume light and extremely low volume?
We go 5-6 sets of 1-2 reps at 80+%. The specifics vary depending on what we did earlier in the week.

Yeah simular to what cerebro said…its really important you develop power alongside you lifting very heavy…thus converting that squat strength into jumping POWER. ICan be done either by jumping drills, plyos and also what i do at the end of every heavy lifting session is to do 3-4x10 light 100% jump squats to remind your body to be fast and explosive and not slow. Also doing contrast heavy / light squats in same workout works very well. I have always found tha with this system as my 1repmax in squat goes up, so does my vertical and standing long jumping…and because of the other stuff i do, so does my long jumping and sprinting…
The power clean however, i think is more important to improving jumping…same principles apply.
VJ is a combination of elastic strength and explosive strength, therefore deep squats don't enhance those strengths specifically. 1/4 squats, speed squats, 1/2 squats, jump squats are more specific to jumping ability.

Just to back up what has already been said, there are numerous studies which show that a combination of weights and plyos is the most effective means of enhancing jumping performance. This is true even when total volumes of the various protocols are taken in to account.

Strength is prerequisite to most of the Olympic lifts. I'm only aware of one good OLer who didn't have a monster squat.
On rare occassions when I haven't been able to OL I've actually maintain OL strength just by heavy squatting. Sprint-plyo work can also maintain overall strength levels.

from the studies i have seen for the ol lifts its best to use 80%+ for peak power development, strength lifts bp/sq/dl 50-70%, ballistic lifts 10-40%.

Well, for concentric starting strength, paused jump squats or paused jumping good mornings would work well. Block starts or broad jumps without a countermovement would be good too. In fact, anything done from a pause with an attempt to explode should get the job done.
If you want to train force absorbtion capabilities you could use altitude landings or you could do drop and catch reactive squats, kind of like my reactive single leg squats but in back squat form, or reactive GHRs. All of these lifts are much less technical and provide equal if not better benefits than OLYs.
Carl Valle - 29 September 2007 01:13 PM
waste of time for 90% of most people…power endurance is best served from indirect means and the actual sprint program.
I agree with Carl 100%. Speed endurance is best left to track work. The only time I'll ever try to do anything specifically geared towards speed endurance in the weight room is when I have an athlete who is injured and can't run.

Barto - 05 October 2007 06:19 AM
I think that big sets of olympics can have crossover benefits on speed endurance. The major determining factors in speed endurance are holding posture over time and applying force over time. Both of these elements are covered in the 12 to 15 rep range of oly lifts.
I was forced to do this in a pinch last year with some of my injured athletes. It's not conventional and in many ways is seemingly contraindicated but I did feel that it was a decent substitute when there weren't too many other options on the table. We were doing them for times similar to what the non-injured athletes were performing their runs in. So for example, if we were doing 150s….the substitute might be continuous cleans @65% for 20s straight.

bodybuilding ? nah, dont do that…upper body work shouldnt kill you…but a push and pull exercise is necessary, the latts and chest are used in sprinting so to just ignore them would be silly…do them in a simular way you'd do the main lifts, maybe just less sets…and a lesser emphasis during comp time…

tkaberna1 - 25 November 2007 11:08 AM
I think doing a bodybuilding circuit once or twice a week will also help train the smaller muscle groups and during this time you get to use the isolated movements you want to use for bis, tris or whatever work you want. Just my .02.
i agree bb circuits would be a great way to hit some of the smaller groups in the upper body, at least twice a week.

i agree that chest and lats are very important no matter what event and should be train with a press and pull movement.

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