Sunday, August 17, 2008


Diet goal: to maintain leanness, decrease fat during football season.

Eat 6 times a day (small snacks).

High protein, High carb, less fat.

Whole Grain wrap, Lean meat, Vegetables, Fruits,

Creatine, fish oil.

No soda. Just water.

Spice: Red pepper.

Watch out for HFCS, trans-fat, and anything hydrogenated/partially-hydrogenated/processed. uncle chen. No noodles.

Milk, yogurt, cereal, some egg, potatoes, waffle + peanut butter, fish oil.

Brunch: Snack on some nuts.

Whole-wheat wrap, Vegetables + turkey/other meat from the Italian thingy. Heat that shit! Fish oil?

Post-lunch: Snack on some nuts.

Dinner: Same. Fish oil.

Post-dinner: apple/orange/some type of fruit.

1 comment:

Sohee said...

Hey Edderic, nice blog you've got going on here. A few things:

- What's with "J-" "O-" etc? What do those stand for?
- Make sure you're not overtraining. Don't want to backpedal.
- Why less fat? You need to eat fat to get rid of fat. Why high protein? If I were you, I'd do moderate protein, high carbs, moderate fat. Also keep in mind that if you want to lean out (ie. lose fat), you have to be eating at a deficit. Do you know how much you're eating? Calories? Macros?
- Your carbs look scattered. Concentrate them around M1 (aka breakfast) and close to your training (pre- and post-). The fruit in the evening esp. is not needed IMO. And there's no protein in that meal...???
- Nice on the fish oil. Make sure you get at least 6 capsules/day.
- The nuts... pair them with a protein.
- Where is your PWO meal? You need to replenish your glycogen stores as soon as you can after you deplete them during a training session. This is arguably (along with breakfast) the most important meal of the day.

With your dedication, I know you have no problem in the discipline department. Keep posting regularly.